August 16, 2012

little + me

J eating an oyster for the first time!
And his reaction when we told him oysters are aphrodisiacs! 
Little bruzza came to visit me in Boston at the beginning of August! He brought his uber-kawaii girlfriend, too! It was a grand ol' time. We did lots of touristy things. And we shopped a lot, too. Which was fine by me. I finally had a chance to replace some of my ratty cotton t-shirts. It's been ridiculously hot in the New England area this summer. And while I would prefer to run around naked, social norms dictate that I wear clothing.

In front of the Boston Public Library
We are so obviously related!

Yeah, I miss Boston a lot. I definitely feel like I'm home when I'm there.

And since I guess this is sort of a fashion-ish blog, I should tell you that I'm wearing American Eagle cutoffs, silver glitter Toms shoes and a silk blouse from NastyGal in that one photo. Oh, and Ray-Ban Clubmaster sunglasses. And I'm laughing at my brother.